As a Digital Hero Academy student, you’ll get access to a growing library of step-by-step playbooks designed to supplement course material and help you implement key digital tactics into your campaign.
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Building Donation Pages
Donation pages are critical for raising money for your campaign.
It is important to understand the basic steps to creating a donation page and being able to share the link in your fundraising emails and via your social media accounts.
Facebook Live
Facebook Live can be a great addition to your social media content strategy if implemented properly. It is essentially broadcasting a live video that your Page followers can watch and engage with in real-time.
The potential of increased engagement with your audience and real-time interaction can help you build relationships with your audience, increase Page awareness and grow your online reach.

Hashtags For Political Campaigns
Hashtags have become a staple feature of social media channels as a way to connect ideas and share opinions.
When used strategically, hashtags create opportunities for increasing your reach and winning over voters.
Social Media Monitoring
Social Media Monitoring and Listening can help a campaign foster community with its constituents, voters, and supporters and help you gain valuable consumer insights which can serve as a guide for your digital strategy.
Engaging with users by liking and replying to their comments or answering questions is a great way to build trust with your constituents and show them that you are listening and care about their concerns.

Instagram Stories
Publish and utilize Instagram stories for your campaign. Instagram stories differ in content and nature compared to regular posts to your Instagram page.
Instagram stories differ from most other forms of organic social media posts. Stories have a temporary nature due to their 24-hour time limit.
Building A Twitter Following
No matter how great your content is on Twitter, it won’t benefit your campaign unless you have followers to see, share, and interact with your tweets.
Building a strong Twitter following will help get your campaign message to more people.